Iron Maiden May 1, 1993 Piazza San Giovanni Rome, Italy Tradeable
1 DVD emmebi Productions Professional Master TV (RAIUNO) -> Master VHS tape (Sony E-240/DX) -> Philips HDR3800 (SP mode) -> DVD Single Layer NTSC 4:3 14 mins A A A-
01. Intro 02. The Trooper 03. Fear Of The Dark 04. Outro
- This version has never been in circulation previously (2018-08-xx)
- After their show at Palaghiaccio di Marino (Rome) Maiden appeared for a very short set (2 songs only) the next day at "Concerto del Primo Maggio". This is a free open air festival that is held every year since 1990 on the May Day in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.
The bill normally includes many italian artists and some international guests; in 1993 the international artists were Robert Plant, Iron Maiden and Johnny Clegg.
Being a free concert the attendance is huge, organizers estimate every year a crowd between 500.000 to 1.000.000 but I guess they also count passers-by because the capacity of the location is lower than that. I think the attendance that year was around 300.000 people.
- The concert is broadcast live on national TV and FM radio. This is the TV broadcast (directly from my VHS master tape).
- I also included the short introduction (where a brief glipse of the band on stage can be seen) and the final chat between Italian journalists Vincenzo Mollica (RAI/left) and Paolo Zaccagnini (Il Messaggero/right). They briefly introduce Iron Maiden to the Italian audience talking about the history of the band, Eddie and the forthcoming departure of Bruce Dickinson.