1. Dressing room footage 2. Dressing room pre-show jam (Megadeth Unplugged) 3. Heading to the stage 4. Intro Music (barricade) 5. Rattlehead (barricade) 6. Wake up Dead (barricade) 7. Hanger 18 (barricade) 8. Hook in Mouth (onstage) 9. Skull Beneath the Skin (onstage) 10. The Conjuring (drum cam) 11. In My Darkest Hour (onstage) 12. Lucretia (barricade) 13. Devils Island (barricade) 14. Take No Prisoners (barricade) 15. Peace Sell....But Whose Buying? (from soundboard) 16. Good Mourning, Black Friday (from soundboard) 17. Holy Wars (from soundboard) 18. Anarchy in the UK (onstage) 19. Heading back to the dressing room 20. Outside with some fans 21. Driving to the hotel 22. Dave on MTV (Taped off TV)